Aria Player Finale Mac

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Noteman says: Playback sound assignments are saved with the document. If a Finale file is opened on a computer lacking a device used in the document, Finale displays '(missing)' under the Device column for all instruments assigned to that device in the Score Manager after sounds have been loaded. Prior to loading sounds, files last saved in Finale 2012 or later will list the Audio Units plug-in. For files last saved in Finale 2011 or earlier, the Staff Name appears in place of the missing device prior to loading sounds. (Sounds are loaded at playback, when opening the Audio Units Banks & Effects dialog, or when making edits to the Score Manager.)

Whether you are using Audio Units or MIDI for playback, you can easily change the instrument sound. For new scores created with the Setup Wizard and instruments added with the Score Manager, Finale automatically chooses the best channel assignments for the instruments used in your score. Use these instructions to change the sound assignment for existing scores, which can be particularly useful when working with older scores created in earlier versions of Finale, or when opening the file on a computer with a different sound configuration.

Finale offers 8 Banks of 16 channels for a total of 128 different sounds possible. For a description of how Finale handles bank and channel assignments for MIDI and Audio Units playback, see Finale Banks & Channels.

Assigning Finale's included Garritan sounds to score instruments

Finale handles playback of its included Audio Units sounds (and other sound libraries offered by MakeMusic) automatically using Sound Maps. At any point, whether you want to revert to the original sound assignments, or if you are working with an old file that has not been assigned to Audio Units sounds, to automatically assign all score Instruments to Audio Units sounds (based on the Sound Map Priority), choose MIDI/Audio > Reassign Playback Sounds.

  1. Choose MIDI/Audio > Play Finale Through Audio Units.
  2. Choose Window > Score Manager and ensure one of the available Sound Maps is selected under the Device column for each staff (e.g. Garritan Instruments for Finale for the Garritan sounds). These Sound Maps link your score instruments to a Audio Units instrument. When a Sound Map is selected, Finale automatically loads its library of sounds into the ARIA Player, which is also loaded into a bank in the Audio Units Banks & Effects dialog box.
  3. Under the Sound column, select the desired playback sound. Finale assigns the sound to the instrument using the next available channel and bank.
  1. The good news is that Aria’s Convolution Reverb and Ambiance are easy to incorporate into your updated Finale files. Let’s take a look: First, open Audio Units Banks and Effects (on Mac): When the dialog opens, make sure Aria Player is selected in the Instrument pop-up menus on the left.
  2. Jul 31, 2014  Missing VST Instrument Plug-in: ARIA Player Some sounds used in this document are not available on your computer. Would you like Finale to reassign all instruments in this document to sounds available on your computer? (Your file will be changed.) I have not.

Noteman says: If you are experiencing choppy playback or missing sounds, Audio Units instruments may have exhausted your computer resources. If this is the case when using Garritan instruments, try loading the “Plr” instruments instead of the “Solo” instruments to conserve RAM.

You can select a sound for each staff in an instrument (for multi-staff instruments like piano), and also in the individual layersAn independent overlay of music in the same measure. Each Finale document consists of four transparent layers, each of which can contain its own rhythmically independent inner voice. Only one layer can be active (frontmost) at a time, however; the layer selection pop-up menu appears in the lower left corner of your Finale window, indicating which layer is active. Note that each layer may also contain 2 independent voices. of each staff. To do so, click the triangle to the left of the instrument/staff name; Finale displays new rows of information that correspond to the staff’s layers.

Assigning 3rd party Audio Units sounds

An issue between Instruments for Finale 2010 and ARIA Player has been confirmed on Mac OSX. Description:- When opening a plug-in version of ARIA Player, Garritan Instruments for Finale (bundle with Finale 2010) will be identified as not 'activated'. It is also possible to apply the Garritan ARIA Player's built-in reverb instead of Finale's Ambience reverb: If enabled, turn Ambience off by deselecting the Ambience check box in the Audio Units Banks & Effects dialog box. In the ARIA Player, click the Effects button on the right. The Ambience reverb controls appear.

Noteman says: For the best experience in using a standalone Garritan library with Finale, see Setting up Garritan sound libraries in Finale in our Knowledge Base.

You can manually assign any Audio Units sound to one of your score instruments using the Score Manager. Consult the documentation accompanying your 3rd party Audio Units library to ensure it is properly installed on your computer.

Noteman says: If you have swapped the Bank assignment to a different player in the Audio Units Banks & Effects dialog box, all instruments assigned to that bank are also assigned to the new player, and sounds will need to be assigned manually in the new player. See Swapping a player on a bank.

  1. Choose MIDI/Audio > Play Finale Through Audio Units.
  2. Choose Window > Score Manager.
  3. Click the Device column for the instrument you would like to assign and choose your Audio Units device.

    If this is the first time you've used the device in the document, it is automatically loaded into the next available bank in the Audio Units Banks & Effects dialog box and assigned to channel 1 in the Score Manager. The next time you choose this device, Finale automatically uses the same bank and assigns the instrument to the next channel, 2 (then 3, 4, etc.) up to 16 channels. If the same device is used for the 17th channel, Finale loads the device into the next available bank in the Audio Units Banks & Effects dialog box and channel numbering starts again at 1. (The bank for each instrument is listed under the Bank column of the Score Manager).

  4. Under the Sound column, click Edit Player to open the 3rd party Audio Units interface. Select the desired sound, ensuring the slot used for the sound corresponds to the channel assigned to the instrument in the Score Manager.
  5. Close the Score Manager and playback to audition your selected sound.

Assigning instruments to MIDI sounds

If Play Finale Through MIDI is selected under the MIDI/Audio menu, Finale uses the MIDI sound settings assigned to instruments for playback. There are many reasons you might choose to use MIDI sounds for playback:

  • to use fewer computer resources than required by Audio Units playback.
  • to use General MIDI sounds to ensure your score will sound basically the same on any computer.
  • to use an external MIDI keyboard or sound module for playback.

Assigning internal General MIDI sounds

If you would like to playback through MIDI using your computer's speakers, you can use Finale's built-in General MIDI synthesizer ('SmartMusic SoftSynth') or your internal sound card's synthesizer.

  1. Choose MIDI > Play Finale Through MIDI.
  2. Choose Window > Score Manager.
  3. Under the Device column, click the popup menu for the staff you are assigning and choose the desired device (e.g. SoftSynth or another MIDI synthesizer installed on your computer). If the device you would like to use is not available, choose MIDI/Audio > Device Setup> MIDI/Internal Speaker Setup to open the MIDI Setup dialog box. For Playback To, choose SmartMusic SoftSynth or QuickTime Playback.
  4. Under the Sound column, click the popup menu menu for the staff you are assigning and choose the desired sound.

Assigning external MIDI sounds

If you would like to playback through MIDI using an external MIDI device, such as a MIDI keyboard or sound module, first configure the MIDI Setup dialog box (Playback To > MIDI System). Then, in the Sound column of the Score Manager, click to open the Set Patch To dialog box. See To establish MIDI sound settings for a score instrument.

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Finale 2014 for Mac

7007 Winchester Circle, Suite 140

Boulder, CO 80301

How to get there

  1. Choose MIDI/Audio > Audio Units Banks & Effects.
  2. Click the popup menu for one of the banks and choose Garritan: ARIA Player.
  3. Click the Edit button for that bank.


  1. Ensure MIDI/Audio > Play Finale Through Audio Units is checked.
  2. Choose Window > Score Manager.
  3. Under the Device column for an instrument, choose ARIA Player.
  4. Click Edit Player under the Sound column).

What it does

Whenever you are using Finale's included Garritan instrument sounds, Finale assigns all sounds in the ARIA Player automatically. Finale does this whenever you start a new document with the Setup Wizard, or when you add or change a sound in the Score Manager (as long as a Garritan Sound Map is prioritized highest in the Sound Map Priority dialog box–see Sound Maps).

Noteman says: All manual sound assignments in the ARIA Player are overwritten in favor of the Sound Map Priority whenever the Reassign Playback Sounds command is applied to the document. (See MIDI/Audio/Reassign Playback Sounds for details).

You need to use the ARIA Player to assign sounds manually if you want to deviate from a Garritan library's Sound Map assignment for a particular instrument (for the best experience in using a standalone Garritan library with Finale, see Setting up Garritan sound libraries in Finale in our Knowledge Base). Or, you may simply want to use the ARIA Player as a reference to identify the range or the keyswitches of a sound. The ARIA Player allows you to manually assign Finale's included Garritan instruments to Finale channels, view the range of each instrument and its keyswitches, and make adjustments to the properties of the instrument sound.

  • Ensembles. Save and load ensembles to transfer your ARIA Player setup across Finale documents.
  • [Channels 1-16]. Each of these sixteen boxes represents the channel assignment for one bank of 16 Finale channels. You can load up to eight ARIA Players in Finale’s Audio Units Banks & Effects dialog box, for a total of 128 instruments.

    To load new instruments from Garritan Instruments for Finale, click empty (or the name of a loaded instrument). Choose Finale Default Bank, followed by the appropriate instrument. For other Garritan libraries, the 'Notation' subset of instruments are specially designed for use with Finale's Human Playback feature.

    If you load more than one ARIA Player, channel 1 in each player window will equal the first channel in its channel range. For example, if you select Garritan: ARIA Player for Channels 17-32 (Bank 1) in the Audio Units Banks & Effects dialog box, channel 1 displayed in the ARIA Player will equal channel 17 (Bank 1, Channel 1) in Finale. The staff for this instrument will need to be set to Bank 1, Channel 1 in the Score Manager.

  • [Volume]. You can use these sliders to adjust the MIDI controller data (#7 Volume or #10 Mod Wheel). Note that you can leave these controls alone and use Finale's Mixer to manage the volume, panning, and other playback parameters. See Mixer.
  • [Keyboard]. The ARIA Player virtual keyboard will allow you to audition the sound of each instrument in the document by simply clicking on the keys on the screen with your mouse. If you have a MIDI keyboard connected, you may play the samples using your keyboard as well. (To do so, MIDI Thru must be on. See MIDI Thru dialog box. Also, under the MIDI/Audio menu, Play Finale File through Audio Units must be checked. If you don’t hear any sound when playing the keys on the keyboard, turn up the Mod wheel. Use the keyboard to reference the instrument range and the keys used for keyswitches. See keyswitches.
  • Controls: Click the Controls tab on the right of the ARIA Player to display these dials.
    • Porta (CC20): All wind and string instruments have this graduating slide function (CC#18). This is especially useful for instruments like the trombone and the strings where slides are a normal characteristic. It can also be useful with other wind instruments to simulate the way movement by larger intervals “settles into” the destination pitch.
    • Length(CC21): This controller allows you to adjust the duration of notes.
    • VAR1 (CC22): This controller allows you to introduce random variability in intonation. This can make a big difference, especially in fast passages where real players almost never achieve accurate intonation from note-to-note.
    • VAR2 (CC23): This controller allows you to introduce random variability in timbre. The two variability controllers can go a long way toward eliminating the dreaded “machine gun” effect of rapid repeated notes. Proper application of the VAR controls can also help the user create convincing double and triple tongued passages in the brass.
    • ModWhl(CC1): This knob controls the Modulation Wheel controller, which for most instruments affects volume.
  • Settings. Click About to view additional information about the ARIA player and to monitor ARIA's usage of your computer's resources.

See also:

Aria Player Finale Machine

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Finale 2014 for Mac
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7007 Winchester Circle, Suite 140

Boulder, CO 80301

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